Monday, July 7, 2008

Number Eight: My Eighth Level

We are down to the five most important criteria in my MLM placement decisions. Including today, the next five posts are the ones that have the greatest impact on my decisions on where to place people that I personally sign up into an MLM.

The most important level, to me, is my 8th level. This is because, statistically, MLM lines rarely grow beyond the 7th level. I want to break the odds, and therefore, I want an 8th level that is healthy, strong, and permanent. I do not want attrition at this level.

So absent all the other criteria, if I can place someone on my 9th level (thus helping the 8th) I will. And, sometimes, this 9th level placement does very little to help me in the short term. But I do not want attrition, and I want an 8th level that is happy.

A happy 8th level also helps my 2nd-7th levels. It also is important that my 2nd-7th levels do not drop out. I may have a happy person on the 8th level. So, if someone in my 2nd-7th drops out, it moves my 8th up to the 7th level. Everybody in my organization thus has a responsibility to many others!

The argument is made, that "these things collapse of their own weight". Maybe so, for most people. But I will take care of my 8th level people in other ways.

Soon, I will announce a savings program, which will provide funds to people on my 8th level. I have not worked out the details yet, but it will be a resource for 8th level people that struggle in recruiting for a period of time. It may be funds for college, major medical funds, or perhaps even help people pay off their debts. When I get in a position to start the fund, I will get input from my 8th level people, on how to structure it.

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