Tuesday, April 7, 2020

For LibraryThing

This is my first blog post in ages. What . . . over ten years?

I rediscovered the excellent resource, LibraryThing, just recently, while going through super-old files in my hard drive.

Quarantine makes it possible to clean up a lot of life's loose ends!

It has been so long since I have done an update on my LibraryThing account, that I had forgotten my login info. Apparently, I had an email address, of @gordondarr.com. I don't remember this at all. 

My current email address did not work for login. Neither did the last two or three that I could remember.

I still have my AOL. I presently have about three google email addresses. There's one for Dexter Schools. My HEC email address. I'm the manage of the HVFCentral@aol.com account. I continue to monitor my Dad's (RIP) email accounts.

I had an aiserv email once, as well as earthlink. I have a Washtenaw Community College email address, and one for the University of Michigan. I probably have others that have been assigned to me, forever, from college applications.

The next big enhancement in world connectivity, will be a bot that goes out and gathers up all of a person's online activity - anything with a login. It will locate everything still active, as well as stuff that has gone into suspension for lack of use.

That happened to me with PayPal. I owed them something like $12, from a balance of over fifteen years. It was attached to my Earthlink email, to a bank account I no longer have. I was unable to do some things on PayPal and I couldn't figure out why. I did all that I could to aggregate all my PayPal accounts, and separate them from my business usage. But still, I could not login, even thought their own automated system affirmed that I had everything right.

I had to talk to an actual person, who dug deep and discovered that my account frozen, due to an unpaid balance from 2003. I'm glad they were not adding interest!

So now . . . to get back into LibraryThing, I was asked to create a blog post here . . . the one thing they had left, that could confirm my identity. So here it is!

One happy result is the reactivation of this blog . . . and a very entertaining piece of prose for my LibraryThing help of the day!

Here's to Good Reading!